Use Node.

Tutorial — Building a Simple Blog With Node, Express & Mongo

Andy Hartnett
6 min readFeb 2, 2018

Update: Note: At the time of writing this tutorial I used express 4.16.3 technologies change over time so this tutorial may vary slightly from newer versions of express. If you run into any issues, I recommend a quick google of the error, and if you’re still stumped, comment the issue. Thanks!

Following this tutorial you will make an app with anode server that will store our data and serve that data to views. The concepts in this tutorial will be a great jumping off point for diving deeper into the node ecosystem.

When I first started to learn node, I became confused really quickly. Not only did I have to learn node itself, but it seemed there was an endless amount of other libraries that I would also have to learn in order to get anywhere. With this tutorial I am seeking to give beginners a really easy step-by-step walkthrough of setting up a simple node blog. I want programmers who are new to writing javascript to feel comfortable following along and hopefully feel more comfortable in the node environment by the end. So let’s get started.
Side note: I use a Mac and will be referencing commands and tools used in that environment. Just giving you a heads up.

The Essentials

